The ABC’s of Buying a Business

The process of acquiring a business can be quite intimidating for the first time Buyer, and even experienced Buyers can become frustrated at times. Using the services of a professional Business Broker can result in a much smoother transaction, and should result in the acquisition of a business that the Buyer feels comfortable operating and proud to own.

As transaction Brokers, we provide the following services:

[stm_company_history css=”.vc_custom_1478143642448{background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: contain !important;}”][stm_company_history_item title=”Confidentiality” description=” In order to review the operational and financial workings of a business for sale, the Buyer must be prepared to share personal financial information that indicate to the Seller that the Buyer has the ability to make the purchase. We treat this information in a confidential manner.”][stm_company_history_item title=”Financing” description=”We work with the Buyer, and the Seller, to put together a funding package that works best for both parties. This often involves Seller financing.”][stm_company_history_item title=”Search” description=”Our industry association memberships and contacts enable us to provide a wide variety of businesses for sale, and we work with the Buyer to focus on selected targets.”][stm_company_history_item title=”Valuation” description=”An extensive database of sold businesses provides much needed information about the value of a business. We also know what questions to ask, and where to look for the “hidden” details.”][stm_company_history_item title=”Purchase Offer” description=”We assist the Buyer in the preparation of a reasonable offer, and provide guidance during the due diligence phase. We work closely with the Buyer’s advisors (accountant, attorney, banker, etc.).”][stm_company_history_item title=”Closing” description=”We’re there with you, to ensure a win/win transaction.”][/stm_company_history]


To many Buyers, owning their own business is the American dream. Call ABC Brokerage today to make your dream come true.

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